
Powyższa strona może zawierać treści erotyczne, wulgarne lub obraźliwe, przeznaczone wyłącznie dla osób pełnoletnich.

Czy jesteś osobą pełnoletnią i chcesz świadomie i dobrowolnie zapoznać się z treścią powyższej strony?

    Nie     - wybór tej opcji spowoduje opuszczenie strony.

Tak, ale chcę otrzymywać ostrzeżenia - wybór tej opcji spowoduje przejście do strony i kolejne ostrzeżenia w wypadku podobnych stron.

Tak, ale nie chcę otrzymywać ostrzeżeń - wybór tej opcji spowoduje zapamiętanie Twojej zgody dla innych stron i nie będziesz otrzymywać tego ostrzeżenia.

Be yourself..

03 stycznia 2020, 05:19

It's easy to fall down,
To feel like fuckin clown,
Borned to win, but too often I can lose it
Less smart things more those which are stupid,
Ruined that all, I don't fuckin care,
Too many people, I have to protect myself,
Too many bad words, which are counting the most,
And always defensive, it could be the worest,
We never can know, what we really can do for someone else,
Unless we can't really see these situations, then it's the best,
I don't care about people's opinion, everyone has his fuckin life,
Try to hurt me, then I'll open my knife,
It's so easy to hurt anybody, to say to much, don't think about what you say,
The same like u see the fuckin sun, but everyday it rains,
You can know nothing about me, I won't say anything,
Try other things to know that, but remember I don't fuckin care,
So say whatever you want, it could be like fuckin game,
Try to win, try to make my feel worest,
It doesn't real if I have to be honest,
My soul is gone, she has gone long time ago,
So try to make your life better, just go,
I can help, If u need the fuckin help, just say help me, it's just including,
Then I'll can help you, I'll make that you're blooding,
I don't need anyone to make my life better, you just need to blood out,
It's not my fault, it's just like blow,
So don't try to attack me, cause I can make you won't say anything more,
First it's beginning, in one moment I can make it's gone,
There's no heaven, no hell, there's nobody for you,
There's just nothing, u can't see, u can't feel anything too,
It's gone, life's gone, you're gone and for others it's better,
I'm a unknown like fuckin weather,
You never could know what really will happen,
So take about what you will do, there's the fuckin timer,
When time will past out, I'll do what I have to do,
I won't say anything more, it's enough to say be dead and fuck you.

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